Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bacon Wrapped Yumminess

Tilapia = nutritious, healthy, bland, lean, fish. Bacon = Does the fact that it has protein count? indulgent, delicious, salty, wreckless. These descriptions are what makes this combination such a delightfully "balanced" main dish. Ha! Why is it that if I say the word bacon, everyone within earshot gives me their undivided attention? As the saying goes, "Everything tastes better with bacon." I have even heard it said that ice cream tastes good with bacon...Hmmmm...I will leave that one to Chelsie!

Bacon Wrapped Tilapia
2-3 strips bacon/tilapia fillet you are preparing
tilapia fillets
Salt and pepper
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Place a large skillet over medium-high heat and begin cooking the bacon. Cook it for 5-8 minutes or until it just starts to turn crispy. (You will only partially cook it here, it will finish cooking in the oven.) Remove the bacon from the pan and drain all but about a tablespoon or two of the bacon renderings.

Salt and pepper both sides of the tilapia and put it into the skillet. Cook for 1-2 minutes on each side, until it turns opaque and begins to get firm. Wrap the bacon around the filets and place on a foil lined cookie sheet or other baking dish.

Place the Bacon wrapped yumminess in the oven and bake about 6-8 minutes until it begins to turn golden and is cooked through.

I like to serve it with brown rice and a steamed veggie!